Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Fuh....!!!!Lama tul x hupdate blog.......sampai x hengattt cemana lagi...aduhaiiii........
Dah tgh thn 2012 pun...masih x der apa2 cerita kan.......ni dah tahan free la ni...baru leh nak hupdate apa yg patut...
Sajerk nak share percutian di HCM...di sponsor...Jgn marah....

Travel Bus di HCM
Mkn mlm di cruise
Dlm bilik @ Sofitel Hotel
Bangunan apa ntah...:)
Sawah padi dlm perjalanan ke Mekong

Hentian Rehat Mekong

Segar tul tempat nih.....

Naik bot di Mekong River
Nyonya jual munga......

Dinner Time

Nak balik da.....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Novel Time...

Racun dr jiran sebelah...akhirnya terjebak juga...office mate punyerr penangan nih...dah terjebak ngan novel...mula2 kutuk dia baca novel sampai nangis2..pehal..??dia kata sedih...nangis2 dia dibuatnya....aku gelak semacam...kikikii...

Alih2 dia cabar aku baca....bak mai..aku laks baca..tgk..setakat mana tahap ke-emosional aku...

Aku pun minat gak baca novel masa bujang2 dulu...semenjak dah kawenn jerk dah kurang...xder masa..baca novel ni asyikk sikit...dah start baca nnti 'addict'....
So...sebagai menyahut cabaran..aku start baca novel pertama minggu ini..

Tajuk: Andai Itu Takdirnya..
Duration : 1 hari...start kol 5.30 ptg...abis kol 5.30 pagi.....

Tgkkkk....kan dah kata...once dah start....huh...mmg menyentuh jiwa la...menitis gak la air mata..x nangis konon....hik...hik...hik..

Novel ke-2..M.A.I.D...x abis baca lagi..yg ni tebal...amik masa juga..sebab keje umah byk..tu pun kain melambak x lipat...pastu minggu ni kena keje laks...keje kat opis pun melambak...kerana novel ni aku x masak kat umah...Ahahahaaaa...mkn luar leh..??mkn tapau la....ahahhaaaa....Takder la..masak juga..yg simple2..yg cepat punya...mee sup..senang...semua mkn...sampai licin la...

Ok....dah siap masak..nak sambung baca novelllll.....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sambutan Mother's-Teacher's Day di Dzul Iman TM Dynamics Menara TM

Seronok tgk budak2 nih..comell bangat..nyanyikan lagu my mother's by yusoff iSlam..

Who should i give my love to?
My rspect and my honour to?
Who should i pay good mind to?
After Allah..?
ANd Rasulullah..??

Comes your mother
Who next?Your mother
Who next?Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hold you
And clean you
And clothes you
Who used to feed you?
And always be with you
When you were sick
Stay up all night
Holding you tight
That's right no other
Your mother
My mother

Who should i take care good of?
Giving all my love
Who should i think most of?
After Allah.??
And Rasulullah..??

Comes your mother
Who next?Your mother
Who next?Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hear you
Before you could talk
Who used to hold you?
Before you could walk
And when you fell who picked you up
Clean your cut
No one but your mother
My mother

Who should i stay rigt close to?
Listen most to
Never say no to
After Allah...??
And Rasulullah..?

Comes your mother
Who next?Your mother
Who next?Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hug you
And buy you new clothes
Comb your hair
And blow your nose
And when you cry
Who wiped your tears...?
Know your fears
Who really cares?
My mother

Say ALhamdulillah..
For my mother............

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Manjakan Diri..

Tentu seronok klu tiap2 minggu leh g SPA kan..??Dapat manjakan diri...manicure...pedicure..tapi sekali pergi dah RM100++(package paling murah..ahahahah)..klu tiap2 minggu g..??hmm...so the better way pergi sebulan sekali udah kan.......Janji dapat manjakan diri sendiri....

Sebagai tanda penghargaan pada diri yg penat keje..kena gak urut2 kan...nak beli kerusi OGAWA tuh mmg x mampulah....

Last urut lepas bersalinkan Dani,thn 2008...Wahh...dah 3 thn tu...tu pun kat kg..ngan bidan kg...pastu mmg x pernah g urut2 dah ni..kat KL ni mmg susah la..lagi satu mahal...

Tetiba laks terasa nak g SPA..mmg x pernah pergi pun sebelum ni..tu yg sgt excited nak pergi rasanya...sajerk nak manjakan diri sendiri...nak try...klu ok leh la g tiap2 bulan mcm perancangan awal....klu x syok mungkin try tgk tempat lain....apa2 hal pergi merasainya dulu kan...kan..kan....X cuba tak tahu..betul dak..??

Jadi setiap lepas gaji kena simpan utk kes2 manjakan diri nih...

Pastu terbaca kat Anakkusoleh.com..:

"Bukan mudah bagi seseorg wanita itu utk 'MENYIMPAN' kecantikannya....lebih2 lagi apabila dia dikelilingi oleh wanita2 lain yg sentiasa menayangkan kecantikan mereka.....
Seseorag wanita perlukan IMAN YG MANTAP utk menyimpan kecantikan mereka.
Hanya dgn IMAN,manusia akan peroleh kekuatan utk mentaati perintah Allah........"

Jadi..kena btulkan niat...bukan pergi SPA tu nak tunjukkan yg kita nak jadi cantik...(mmg x cantik punn)..utk yg dah kawin nih kecantikan utk suami jerk..

Bg aku laks..kecantikan tu terlalu subjective...ader org tu x cantik pun pada mata kite..tapi hati dia baik..automatic nmpk dia mmg seorg yg cantik...Kecantikan tu bukan dr luaran..yg penting dalaman tu kena suci...sure cantikkk punyerrrr....

Tapi kan..ader gak org tuh cantikkkkknya kita tgk dia....tapi bila dah kenal..tgk perangai...waduh....walupun x sakit mata (sebab tgk dia cantik)...tapi sakit jiwa tgk perangai dia...

Moga Allah memelihara kita semua..

X semestinya cantik tu utk dipuji..Tak semesinya yg buruk tu utk dikeji.......

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Masa Utk Layannn

Tgh usha En Papa utk belikan sesuatu...Papa nak ke belikan...:)

*Aerobic Shoes
*Aerobic Clothes

Usha jenis apa dulu yek....Papa kan baik...........
Klu tgk sini..sebelum beli..byk factor yg kiter kena tgk...So far ni koleksi aerobics aku semua yg x tutup aurat la...xperla kan..sebab semua yg joint tu pompuan....x der campur laki2 pun..(w/pun dr luar ader gak tgk laki2 yg lalu nak g gym sebelah aerobics room tu ader gak toleh2..tapi sure x nampak sebab cerminnya kelabu..sorry..jgn nak intai2 yek..).Seronok nak tambah lagi koleksi..nak beli Nike ke pulaks....terlanjur org nak belikan...iyerr ke...

First of all, the aerobic clothes that you select to wear,to carry out your aerobic session....

-it should be loose fit, so that there is adequate provision for free flow of air. The crucial point is that, you should have a feeling of pleasure in the clothes you are wearing. If you attire tight fit clothes, your body movement is likely to get restricted, making your exercising ineffective

-It is convenient to wear light color clothing in summer season, as it pulls heat and also it offers a cool feeling to beat the scorching heat.

-It is advisable to have some sort of hat or cap, over the head when is summer period or the time of chilly winds, so that you can cope up better with the climatic conditions.

-You should reject wearing plastic or rubberized clothing, by reason of such clothes are probably to cause a rise in your body temperature, which can be unsafe.

-Elect attiring some light layers of clothing, rather than going in for one heavy cloth layer. The clothing layer touching your skin should be humidity absorbent.

-T-shirts or sweatshirts teamed with tights or drawstring pants are useful as the appropriate clothing for aerobic workout.

(Cantiknya dapat body cam gini kan.....mimpilah aku aiiiii...)

Nak beli kasut pun kena gak tgk..mmg lah tgk..harga pun tgk...ekekekek....so far ni pki Jenama POWER jerk...ahahahhahahaha...selepas sponsor nak mintak Nike juga..leh tak Papa..???

Before purchasing a shoe for your aerobics exercise go through the following steps:
1. Maintain the shoe at the heel with one hand and the toe with the other hand and start twisting. The forefoot of the shoe should bend with light resistance.
2. Verify if it has any laterally positioned straps or staggered lacing systems which will aid in forefoot stability during exercising.
3. It should have an adequately wide heel and a firm heel counter that will assist with ankle stability.
4. Upper surface of the shoe can be made of diversity of materials such as leather, canvas, plastic, coated fabric etc. Firm leather increases a greater support and durability to the shoe. Several other materials will often maintain your foot cooler and dryer during exercise periods and they permit the shoe to breathe better.
5. The sole of an aerobic step shoe consists of an insole and an outsole, the softer the sole, the greater the shoe’s ability to absorb shock. Make sure that the insole of the shoe compresses with pressure.
6. Before choosing a shoe, take into consideration all your needs. Don't go for the ordinary shoe in a class. People with high arches and non-flexible feet, should opt for cushioning shoes. A plus size or overweight individual may need a heavier shoe for added support and cushioning.
7. Floor surface is also an essential factor in the election of shoe. A shoe with less tread should be used on low-pile carpeted floors so that your feet don't catch and drag as you twist and turn on the balls of your feet. Shoes with a little more tread for traction will work better on wood or linoleum exercise surfaces.

So, have proper clothing and enjoy your aerobic workout session.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Maher Zain - InsyaAllah

Andainya kau rasa tak berupaya
Hidup sendirian tiada pembela
Segalanya suram
Bagai malam yang kelam
Tiada bantuan tiada tujuan
Janganlah berputus asa
Kerana Allah bersamamu
Insya Allah
Insya Allah
Insya Allah
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah
Insya Allah
Insya Allah

Ada jalannya
Andainya dosamu berulang lagi
Bagai tiada ruang untuk kembali
Dikau keliru atas kesilapan lalu
Membelenggu hati dan fikiranmu
Janganlah berputus asa
Kerana Allah bersamamu
Kembalilah Kepada Yang Esa
Yakin padaNya
Panjatkanlah doa
Oh Ya Allah
Pimpinlah daku dari tersasar
Tunjukkan daku ke jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar

Hidup kiterr ni x lari dari masalah...buat masalah...ditimpa masalah kan...Nama pun hidup cam roda...x kan nak kat atas jerk kan...ada kalanya mesti kat bawah....tu semua lumrah hidup...Kiter kena tabah dan sabar menghadapinya...tapi tu la kan...iman x kuat ni susah juga...bila ditimpa masalah mesti moral down punyer...mesti rasa semua benda x kena.....

Aku terpanggil utk membaca dlm blog ummu salihin...semua dugaan ni dtg dr Allah..ada sebab Allah uji kita....itu tanda Allah sayangkan kiter..............

-Dipetik dr anakkusoleh.com-
Setiap musibah itu datangnya daripada Allah swt. Hakikatnya, Allah swt tidak mendatangkan musibah itu kerana Dia zalim kepada kita. Akan tetapi, Allah swt berikan kita sesuatu musibah kerana Dia CINTAkan kita

Dikatakan bahawa, Allah swt kasih kepada seorang manusia, 70 kali ganda melebihi daripada kasihnya seorang ibu kepada anaknya. Seandainya benar Allah swt kasih dan sayang kepada kita, sudah tentu di sebalik setiap musibah, ada tersimpan satu hikmah.

Tiada siapa yang mengetahuinya, melainkan Allah swt. Namun apa yang pasti, setiap hikmah itu sangat berkait rapat dengan dasar CINTA Nya terhadap kita.

Hikmah #1: Allah swt sangat rindu pada kita. Dan Dia mahu kita lebih dekat denganNya.
Hikmah #2: Allah swt ingin menghapuskan dosa-dosa kita.
Hikmah #3: Allah swt ingin menambahkan pahala kita

Oleh itu, maka (tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan,(Sekali lagi ditegaskan): Bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan (Al Insyirah: 5-6)